Friday, September 13, 2013

Life moves fast

Can't believe I last posted in February!!! Time moves at light-speed now.  We've had so many things happen in the intervening months! But life is good!  Love where we're living.  We get incredible skies daily.  Love the cooler "mountain air" and walks morning and evening--when we can work them in.

All 5 grandchildren are growing like crazy, of course.  They are precious and if I had the brains to do it, I could talk endlessly about their cuteness. However, the hour is late and I have many chores left undone and have an early alarm clock to look forward to.


Debby said...

I understand how quickly life moves. It seems as if my own life has picked up momentum. I can scarcely keep up.

jeanie said...

Life does indeed move at variable speeds - remember how slow it was waiting for the end of the school day? I want that time speed back on occasion.

Bob said...

There's no question, the older we get, the faster it goes and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it except hang on and try to enjoy every minute. And the older I get, the more I'm trying to do that every day.

SO good to hear from you! I have missed you! Hope you'll be updating us more often.

BB said...

Gosh... been so long since I visited!!! Wondering how you are doing these days???
x BB