Friday, April 9, 2010

A Perfect Day

My 2 year-old grandson said so. We had just had a "picnic" outside for lunch. We'd checked out the new spring garden--planted only this past Monday--4 days ago--and counted all the stepping stones between the rows, two or three times, while he hopped from one to another. He allowed me to push the glider/swing thing higher and higher. We'd checked out some of the fabulous array of azaleas, spirea, purple wisteria and other flowering plants spilling their sweet fragrances and lovely colors around the yard. Then he climbed to the top of the slide and sat a few moments in the quiet of the afternoon.



"It's a perfect day."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Um-hum. It's one perfect day!"

And it was. The air was cool. The sky was blue housing a few light clouds. The trees were showing off their newest variety of spring green wardrobes. The birds flitted here and there. Butterflies floated from spot to spot.

Ahhhhhhhh! I love Spring. I love my grandchildren in particular and children in general.

I had to agree with his astute assessment. It was indeed, one perfect day.

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